Vegas Baby
I just fixed my computer at the Apple Store so I can finally start using IPhoto, which mean pictures on the blog. So here is comes, the pictures from an amazing trip with my lovely family. Let start when the party begins, Las Vegas!

before thw pirate show that we never got to see

a walk in LV, our hotel and the venetian!

Helicopter to Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon, A M A Z I N G!!!!

so cool to land and go down to the canyon

lunch in the canyon

the family reunited

the river that goes all the way to colorado

Water Show at the Bellagio

Gilley's, the best bar ever!! they play country music and people dance line dance, something i really wish I could do, me and daddy loved that place

Finally got to see my favourite store, I could be in there forever
That was part of Las Vegas, to be continued with California adventures!